ReCreate the 808

This website has migrated to the new URL It would be great if you could check it out!!!


What"s New


06. 06. 2020 - New website URL GRAND OPENENING!!!

06. 05. 2020 - Website migrating to a new server. 

01. 14. 2020 - 808 Guestbook opened. Share your thoughts like a sort of primitive forum. We cannot answer back, but we hear you.    

10. 01. 2019 - Mac version RC-808, plus more sounds, more sequences, more demos, and Reference Manual uploaded.

09. 09. 2019 - The Second Mid-O Day. More demos available on the 808 Media webpage. We tried hard to release the Mac version though. 

09. 01. 2019 - Dommune interview and RC-808 review archive video edited and uploaded on 808 Media webpage!

08. 22. 2019 - 19:00 JST / UTC +0900 - Tadao Kikumoto with RC-808 on Streaming Channel "Dommune". Thank you so much for watching!

08. 22. 2019 - The contents of the Quick Start that comes with the RC-808 is now also shown on the RC-808 Download page. 

08. 20. 2019 - 808 Media page added. We appreciate all of your kind support to us!

08. 08. 2019 - 21:00 JST / UTC +0900 - The First Mid-O Day. This website launched when the entire planet Earth was supposedly in 808 Day.